Power Tools Safety and Maintenance

If you've ever accidentally slipped and hammered your thumb instead of a nail, you are well aware that accidents happen quickly (and are quite painful). If a poorly aimed hammer can inflict so much damage, imagine what power tools like jigsaws and nail guns can do.

Power Sander

Power tools and useful and necessary, but when used improperly or poorly maintained, can inflict personal injury to the user or those nearby. Using them requires extra caution and care, including regular upkeep and maintenance of your tools, to ensure that a loose handle or jammed blade doesn't cause serious harm.

Power Sander

A few simple rules and the occasional maintenance can help reduce accidents. When using such machinery, here are some basic, common sense safety and maintenance rules to remember:

1. Wear proper clothing. This means nothing loose or hanging (including hair and jewelry) that can become tangled in moving parts. It is also important to wear goggles and sturdy gloves when necessary. And if you need glasses to read or drive, you probably should wear them when dealing with high-powered machines.

2. Read instructions carefully, for both power tool usage and your project. Each power tool is different and instructions will vary with each brand. Understand the tool and how it's used well, and you'll cut down on many potential hazards.

3. Use the right tool for the job. Is it that surprising when you try to use a screwdriver to open a jar and you end up jamming a finger? Each device is created for a specific purpose and using it improperly is dangerous.

4. Keep your tools in a clean, dry place. Grime and moisture can clog parts and create rust. Sometimes these problems will not be visible outwardly, but can cause damage to you or the machine when used.

5. Follow basic maintenance rules. Every few months, and before you use them, check to make sure handles and blades are rust-free and tight (blades should be sharpened as well). Batteries leak and electrical cords are sometimes chewed through by rodents or become wet, so it is important to check these components regularly also.

6. Work in a safe area. Make sure that there are no tangled cords that can potentially cause someone to trip and fall. The floor should be dry and free of debris. Anyone within close range of them should also have safety awareness. That means young children should be kept away.

7. Keep others safe. You should secure them in a safe place, preferably locked-up. Children's curiosity often gets the better of them, and even the best safety training at an early age won't always keep them from getting into trouble. Older children should be given safety instructions and monitored carefully when using any power tools.

Not only will these safety tips help keep you safe, but they will help your power tools last longer. And even if you're the type to throw caution to the wind, those around you will thank you for being prudent and keeping them.

Power Tools Safety and Maintenance
Power Sander

46 Inch Hdtv